I got him a box of chocolates and a gift certificate to a couple's massage class so we can learn how to do legit massages.
This Valentine's Day is extra special for us because it marks the one year anniversary of our sealing in the Mesa, AZ temple.

Being sealed has been such a blessing during the last year. I am so glad to call Ty my eternal companion and feel overwhelmed with the thought of spending forever with him.

In other news- I am officially half way through this pregnancy! Hooray! We are working hard on the nursery (which really means working hard on our den/guest room so we could clear out the nursery). Our friends Kathrin and Ryan are helping A LOT! We love them =) I'll post pictures when the room starts taking shape. I'm really excited about how its going to turn out.
I'll try to post ultrasound pictures and whatnot soon. Life has been busy lately but we are loving it!
congrats on the half way point! are you showing yet? belly pics and nursery pics soon please! :)
oh, and CONGRATS especially on your 1 year mark! that is so great! :)
Reuben and I are willing to help you guys out! Give us a call whenever
Oh and happy sealing anniversay!
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